About Go Farm Connect

Launched in January 2023, GO FARM CONNECT is a three-year project led by Renewing the Countryside and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), whose aim is to connect farmers in Minnesota and Wisconsin with USDA resources. Our wide network of peer Connectors provides one-on-one support to beginning and historically underserved farmers to help them access the wide range of programs at USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Farmers who work with our Connectors learn about USDA services through individual peer mentoring, workshops, farm field days, resource sharing, storytelling, and group informational visits to USDA service centers. The video below onran on Hmong TV in the Twin Cities in January, 2025, and features Go Farm Connect's work to get specialty crop growers signed up for the Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops program.