High Tunnel Build and Learn Weekend: August 30+31 in Hugo, MN
Fri, Aug 30
|Mhonpaj's Garden
Join in to build a high tunnel hoop house! You'll also learn about federal farm programs that can help you install one on your own farm.

Time & Location
Aug 30, 2024, 9:00 AM – Aug 31, 2024, 5:00 PM
Mhonpaj's Garden, 4635 165th St N, Hugo, MN 55038, USA
About the event
Come help construct a USDA-funded high tunnel August 30 and 31!
Led by farmers Mhonpaj Lee and Phanat Vang, along with Go Farm Connect and UDSA staff, participants can help assemble the hoophouse while learning about buying land, growing produce, keeping records, and working with federal programs. Participants may watch and learn without participating, if they are not able. There will be instructional sessions on the full hoophouse build process, and lunch presentations about United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) farm programs to obtain funds to build one.
Traditional Hmong food will be provided to attendees!
Mhonpaj Lee will do a tour and share with farmers their journey on getting that land, the record keeping process, and the types of services that they have received with USDA. Lee became her own broker and looked for land for her family farm by herself because it was difficult to work with traditional real estate agents who were not patient with the FSA loan process and it felt like a hassle for them to do farm visits. Often those agents prefer looking at land and housing in the city. Mhonpaj and Phanat bought that land and then bought a house near the land. Now they want to help farmers find land and build their farm businesses without jumping through as many hurdles as they have had.
The event will be facilitated by KaZoua Berry, with Big River Farms, and Matt Barthelemy, of Renewing the Countryside. They are both peer Connectors, who are trained to help farmers understand, choose, apply for, and access federal farm programs. Matt is also an experience high tunnel builder, having aided many farmers with high tunnel construction.
Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) staff will be there to talk about loans, cost-share grants, and other programs available to farmers through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Who Should Attend
All interested parties are invited to attend and learn, including beginning and prospective farmers, landowners, family, friends, and agricultural and cultural support professionals. No prior experience with federal farm agencies is required. Land ownership is not a requirement to participate in assistance programs. This information will pertain to all federal programs offered in county offices across Minnesota.
Instruction will be given in Hmong and in English, with Spanish or other language upon request on the registration form.
What To Expect
Dress for the weather and a long day outside. No prior experience is necessary - and we'll have all the tools you need, though you could also bring your own. If you want to help on the build process, please read through our liability waiver HERE. You will be asked to fill that form out when you arrive.
Agenda for the 30th:
9a-10a- intro and tour of Mhonpaj's Garden and their story
10a-12p 1st phase of build out
12p-1:30- lunch and learn, NRCS/FSA Staff share about programs and services
1:30p-3:30p- 2nd phase of build out
3:30p-4p- quick break, Q& A engagement convos
4p-5p clean up and reset for the next day
Agenda for 31st:
9a-12p- 3rd phase of build out
12p-1p- Lunch and Learn- convo about USDA/other farm resources and journey of Mhonpajs Garden (challenges and successes)
1p-3p- 4th phase of build out
3:30-3:45p- short break, assess and prioritize project needs
3:45-5p execute and clean up
About Go Farm Connect
Are you lost in an alphabet soup of federal acronyms? Need help finding the right resources?
Navigating USDA programs can be overwhelming, confusing and intimidating. We get that! We've pulled together an experienced team of farmers to help you connect to the right programs. We offer FREE services that focus on different aspects of building a successful farm business. We can provide a Connector to be a personal guide, coach, and ally who shares your goal of running a successful farm operation.
Go Farm Connect is a farmer-led initiative to build relationships between historically underserved specialty crop farmers (beginning, women, veterans, BIPOC and new Americans) and federal farm agencies. Our Connectors are trained to help farms of all sizes and specialties in Minnesota and Wisconsin access agricultural assistance programs. The three-year project is led by Renewing The Countryside in partnership with the US Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, and Natural Resources Conservation Service. Registration through this link is helpful so that USDA staff can be aware of what questions you might want answered. Go Farm Connect staff may take photos and videos at this event to promote programs and future events. Your RSVP gives your permission to be photographed. Please let a Connector know at the event if you want to be kept out of photos.